HR19 for Female Infertility – Masood



Female infertility can be caused from a number factors including damage of fallopian tubes, hormonal causes, cervical causes, uterine causes, etc. Masood’s HR 19 is a complete treatment of female infertility. It is also useful in conceiving, amenorrhea, uterine hemorrhage, habitual abortion due to uterine weakness and placenta displacement.

Dosage: 30-40 Drops 4 times a day with fresh water.



Each 1ml contains

  • Agnus cast 1D 6.5% v/v
  • Aletris far 1D 6.5% v/v
  • Asoka Jon 3D 26% v/v
  • Caulophyllum thal 1D 6.5% v/v
  • Gossypium herba 2D 26% v/v
  • Taraxacum off 1D 13% v/v
  • Xanthoxylum fraxi 1D 13% v/v

With excipients q.s.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops