HR17 Drops for Hepatitis & Gall Stones – Masood



Masood’s HR 17 has beneficial effects on efficiency of gallbladder. It is affective in jaundice, enlargement of liver, cirrhosis of liver, hypo or hyper production of liver, weakness of liver functions, biliary colic, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Dosage: 10-15 drops every 2-3 hours with fresh water under acute conditions. Less frequently when improvement starts i.e. three times a day.



Each 1ml contains:

  • Cardus Mar 1D 13% v/v
  • Chelidonium Maj 1D 13% v/v
  • Colocynthis 6D 20% v/v
  • Lycopodium clav 4D 20% v/v
  • Nux vomica 4D 30% v/v

With excipients q.s.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops