Ptk.3 Piles and varicose veins – Schwabe Germany


Indications:(بواسیر کی علامات / Symptoms)

Traditionally Aesculus homeopathy drops are used as the supportive treatment for Bleeding piles (Hemorrhoids), Burning pain due to Piles, and Varicose Veins and related complaints۔


Aesculus Pentarkan PTK 3 drops benefits include relieving from infectious hemorrhoids and ease in vein inflammation.

Unless otherwise prescribed, for effective results Aesculus Pentarkan should be taken as follows:

For acute complaints, 10-20 drops should be taken at hourly intervals until improvement occurs, up to a maximum of 12 times a day. For subsequent treatment, 10-20 drops should be taken 3 times a day.

For Children no more than 5 drops should be given 3 times a day.

Take the Aesculus Pentarkan drops half an hour before or after meals, and preferably keep them in the mouth. As soon as an improvement is felt, reduce the frequency of piles homeopathic medicine usage.



100 g Aesculus Pentarkan Ptk 3 drops contain: Aesculus 1X 30 g; Calcium fluoratum 6X 10 g; Arnica 2X 10 g; Carduus marianus 1X 10 g; Collinsonia canadensis 1X 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 60 % (V/V).

Additional information


20ml Drops