Hypericum Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany



English Name:(St. John’s wort)

Homoeopathic Mother Tincture – Schwabe Germany 

Key indications:

The great remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and
nails.  Crushed fingers, especially tips.  Excessive painfulness is a guiding
symptom to its use. Prevents lockjaw. Punctured wounds. Relieves pain after
operations. Quite supersedes the use of morphia after operations (Helmuth).
Spasms after every injury. Has an important action on the rectum; haemorrhoids.
Coccydynia. Spasmodic asthmatic attacks with changes of weather, before
storms, better by copious expectoration. Injured nerves from bites of animals.
Tetanus. Neuritis, tingling, burning and numbness. Constant drowsiness.

Dosage: As Recommended by Homoeopathic Physician.


Active Ingredient: Hypericum Ø = 1x

Drug strength 1/10

History and authority: Dr. Muller proved this drug and then introduced
into homoeopathic practice in 1837.

Allen’s: Encyclop. of Pure Mat. Med., Vol.V,53.

Additional information


20ml Drops