HR47 Drops for Asthma & Asthmatic Bronchitis – Masood



Asthma is a disease affecting the air ways that carry air to and from our lungs. People who suffer from this chronic condition are said to be asthmatic. Masood’s HR 47 is designed to enhance the bronchial and respiratory functions. It works surprisingly in all the asthmatic symptoms tightening of muscles around your air ways, less air able to flow through your air ways, inflammation of air ways, and more mucus production in air ways.

Dosage: 20-25 drops every hour with fresh water under acute conditions. Less frequently when improvement starts, i.e. three times a day.



Each 1ml contains:

  • Allium Cepa 2D 15% v/v
  • Allium Sativa 2D 15% v/v
  • Drosera Rot 1D 10% v/v
  • Ephedra Vug 1D 10% v/v
  • Euphrasia Off 1D 10% v/v
  • Glycyarrhiza Glabra 1D 10% v/v
  • Grindelia Rob 1D 10% v/v
  • Lobelia Inf 1D 10% v/v
  • Senega 1D 10%v/v

With excipients q.s.

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20ml Drops