Dilan Drops (Heart Tonic) – Kamal


Healthy Heart, Healthy Life 


Helps to relieve following conditions
• Weakness of Pulse (Heart Beat)
• Decreased exercise tolerance
• Chest Pain with tightness
• Difficult respiration
• Cold sweating, fainting (syncope) and collapse
• Easy fatigue (tiredness)
• Grief, tension and stress with anxiety


Packing: 20ml Drops




Aconite nap6x, Arnica 3x, Cactus grand Q, Crataegus oxy Q, Ignatia 30, Moschus 30, Veratrum album 30.  Excipients = q.s.


15 to 20 drops in half glass of water 3 times a day. In severe conditions, take 8-10 drops in a teaspoonful of water every 5 to 10 minutes and use directly in mouth in emergency conditions or as directed by the physician.