HR25 Drops for Prostate Problems – Masood



Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) occurs when cells of prostate gland began to multiply. The additional cells swell your prostate gland, which squeezes the urethra and limits the flow of urine. BPH is a common condition of men over the age of 50. The main symptoms of BPH include incomplete bladder emptying, Nocturnal enuresis, dribbling at the end of urine stream, incontinence, need to strain urinating, weak urinary stream, painful urination, bloody urine, puss in urine. Masood, s HR 25 show excellent healing result in all these problem.

Dosage: 10-15 drops every 2-3 hours with fresh water under acute conditions. Less frequently when improvement starts i.e. three times a day.



Each 1ml Contains:

  • Chimaphila umb………. 2D 13% v/v
  • Clematis Erec…………….2D 6% v/v
  • Populus trem………….…2D 6% v/v
  • Pygeum africanum…….1D 13% v/v
  • Urtica Dio …………….…..1D 13% v/v
  • Uva ursi……………………. 1D 13% v/v
  • Sabal serr …………………1D 30% v/v

With excipients q.s.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops