HR24 Drops for Pimples & Acne- Masood



Masood’s HR 24 controls your hormones removes acne and pimples, white heads, papules, dark spots on your skin it bleaches your skin and makes you attractive and good looking.

Dosage: 10-15 drops 3 times a day with fresh water.



Each 1ml Contains:

  • Azadirachta indica..…. 1D 6% v/v
  • Berberis aq …………..….1D 20% v/v
  • Echinacea ang………..…1D 26% v/v
  • Hepar sulph…………..….12D 3% v/v
  • Ledum pal ………………..12D 3% v/v
  • Placentin…………………. 12D 5% v/v
  • Symphytum off ……..…1D 5% v/v

With excipients q.s.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops