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Its action on the chest muscles is most marked and has been verified. Sick headache, with flatulence in stomach and bowels. Dyspepsia. Bronchitis and pleurisy come within its range. Catarrhal states from cold and damp weather. Irritation of larynx with huskiness; grip, with pleuritic pain.

Respiratory.–Respiration painful, especially at base of left lung. Dry cough; throat constricted; causes pain in head and abdomen. Pain in chest; shooting downward from left nipple. A general eliminative remedy, acting specially on the sudoriparous glands. Chest pains are relieved by bending forward. Spaces between ribs close to sternum tender. Lancinating pain between shoulders. Catarrh, with frontal headache, and sticky yellow discharge.

Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or as Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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30ml, 120ml, 450ml