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Packing | 30ml, 120ml, 450ml |
₨ 210 – ₨ 1,700
This remedy shows by its peculiar skin symptoms its pronounced power of disorganizing the blood, causing conditions we meet with in low fevers, low types of eruptive diseases, diphtheria, follicular tonsillitis, Streptococcus infection, Hæmorrhagic diathesis, etc. The skin appears livid or purplish; face dark as mahogany, hot; sordes; throat swollen, purple, livid; semi-conscious, delirious; weak pulse, general torpor and prostration. Symptoms remarkably alike to malignant scarlatina. Diarrhœa, dysentery and great weakness are very marked. Adynamia characterizes all its conditions. Lividity, stupor and malignancy. Mucous membranes hæmorrhagic and ulcerative (Lach. Ars).
Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician