Showing 37–48 of 438 results

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     210 1,700

    The most effective point of attack of Agnus upon the organism is the sexual organism. It lowers sexual vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. It shows this distinctive influence in both sexes, but is more pronounced in men. Premature old age from abuse of sexual power. History of repeated gonorrhśa. A prominent remedy for sprains and strains. Gnawing itching in all parts, especially eyes. Tachycardia caused by tobacco in neurotic young men.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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     210 1,700 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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     210 1,700

    This remedy shows by its peculiar skin symptoms its pronounced power of disorganizing the blood, causing conditions we meet with in low fevers, low types of eruptive diseases, diphtheria, follicular tonsillitis, Streptococcus infection, Hæmorrhagic diathesis, etc. The skin appears livid or purplish; face dark as mahogany, hot; sordes; throat swollen, purple, livid; semi-conscious, delirious; weak pulse, general torpor and prostration. Symptoms remarkably alike to malignant scarlatina. Diarrhœa, dysentery and great weakness are very marked. Adynamia characterizes all its conditions. Lividity, stupor and malignancy. Mucous membranes hæmorrhagic and ulcerative (Lach. Ars).

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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     490 4,150

    An anæmic, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, is portrayed by this remedy. The patient is tired all the time, and suffers from prolapsus, leucorrhœa, rectal distress, etc. Marked anæmia. Chlorotic girls and pregnant women.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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    Aletris farinose Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


    Homoeopathic Mother Tincture

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    Alfalfa Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


    Homoeopathic Mother Tincture

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     130 1,090

    From its action on the sympathetic, Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in “toning up” the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight. Disorders characterized by malnutrition are mainly within its therapeutic range, for example, neurasthenia, splanchnic blues, nervousness, insomnia, nervous indigestion, etc. Acts as a fat producer, corrects tissue waste. Deficient lactation. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Its pronounced urinary action suggests it clinically in diabetes insipidus and phosphaturia; and it is claimed to allay vesical irritability of prostatic hypertrophy. The rheumatic diathesis seems especially amenable to its action.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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    Allium cepa Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


    Homoeopathic Mother Tincture

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     130 1,090

    A picture of coryza, with acrid nasal discharge and laryngeal symptoms, eye secretion bland; singers’ cold, worse in warm room and toward evening; better in open air is presented by this remedy. Specially adapted to phlegmatic patients; colds in damp cold weather. Neuralgic pains, like a fine thread, following amputations or injuries to nerves. Traumatic chronic neuritis. Burning in nose, mouth, throat, bladder and skin. Sensation of glowing heat on different parts of the body.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or as Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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    Allium sat Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


    Homoeopathic Mother Tincture

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     130 1,090

    Acts directly on intestinal mucous membrane increasing peristalsis. Colitis, with pathological flora. Has vaso-dilatory properties. Arterial hypotension begins usually in 30 to 45 minutes after twenty to forty drop doses of the tincture.

    Adapted to fleshy subjects with dyspepsia and catarrhal affections. High livers. Patients who eat a great deal more, especially meat, than they drink. Pain in hip, pain in psoas and iliac muscles. Pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Cough and expectoration diminishes, temperature becomes normal, weight is gained, and sleep becomes regular. Hćmoptysis.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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     160 1,360

    An excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing physiological equilibrium after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are much mixed. There is no remedy richer in symptoms of portal congestion and none that has given better clinical results, both for the primary pathological condition and secondary phenomena. Bad effects from sedentary life or habits. Especially suitable to lymphatic and hypochondriacal patients. The rectal symptoms usually determine the choice. Adapted to weary people, the aged, and phlegmatic, old beer-drinkers. Dissatisfied and angry about himself, alternating with lumbago. Heat internally and externally. Has been used successfully in the treatment of consumption by giving the pure juice.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or as Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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