Showing 577–588 of 592 results

  • Placeholder


     310 1,700

    Has considerable clinical reputation in the treatment of earache, toothache, and enuresis. Sharp pain in eyes, reflex from decayed teeth or inflammation of middle ear. Eyeball very tender to touch. Pain plays between teeth and ears. Pyorrhea alveolaris. Depression and insomnia of chronic Nicotinism. Causes an aversion to tobacco.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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  • Placeholder


     160 1,360 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Placeholder


     250 2,130

    Is especially adapted to persons of bilious temperament. It affects chiefly the duodenum, small intestines, liver, and rectum The Podophyllum disease is a gastro-enteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. Stool is watery with jelly-like mucus, painless, profuse. Gushing and offensive. Many troubles during pregnancy; pendulous abdomen after confinement; prolapsus uteri; painless cholera morbus. Torpidity of the liver; portal engorgement with a tendency to hćmorrhoids, hypogastric pain, fullness of superficial veins, jaundice.

    Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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  • Ptk. 40 Drops for poor libido and impotence – Schwabe


    (Damiana Pentarkan) Original

    مردانہ بانجھ پن میں سب سے زیادہ موثر


    Damiana homeopathic medicine is traditionally used for the treatment of conditions involving nervous exhaustion; including neurasthenia; poor libido and impotence ( مردانہ کمزوری میں سب سے بہترین)

    *Do not self-medicate. Please consult your physician.

    20ml Drops

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  • R 1 Drops for Inflammation -Dr. Reckeweg Germany



    Local inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal, with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, with irritations of the meninges, conjunctivas and pharynx.

    Dosage: In case of acute infections with high fever, in the beginning 10-15 drops in some water every ½ hour for ½ – 1 day.Same treatment to be followed in case of purulent inflammations (e.g.: inflammations of the tonsils or furuncles). After improvement, take same dose every 1-2 hour. After recovery it is advisable to take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day for about a week. Chronic inflammations: 2-3 times a day 10-15 drops. Constitutional modifications in chronic glandular hypertrophy of children; once a day 5-8 drops in some water for a longer period of time.

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  • R 2 Gold drops for Heart (Aurin Essentia aurea-) – Dr. Reckeweg Germany


    Indications: Organic and functional affections of the heart, mainly cardiac neurosis. Nervous perturbations. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, extra systoles, constrictions, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiencies.

    Strong pulse, palpitations, excitations, anguish and oppression of the heart, vegetative dystonia.

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  • Ring Off capsules for uterine disorders – Kamal

     230 5,000


    Helps to normalize prolapsed, enlarged or displaced uterus. Also relieves irregular menses, after-effects of miscarriage, sterility, habitual abortion and leucorrhoea.


    One capsule with milk or water 3 times a day or as directed by Physician.

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  • Ruk Capsules for skin itching & irritation – Kamal

     210 5,000

    Useful for the relief of scabies, severe itching of skin, ring worms and psoriasis, also relieves internal itching caused by leucorrhoea.
    Dosage: One capsule with water three times a day or as directed by physician.

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  • Shadan Forte Capsules ( Mental Nerve & Sexual Tonic for Men) – Kamal



    Premature ejaculation,
    Lack of libido
    Lack of ambition
    Deformities of organ
    Unsatisfactory Coitus


    1 capsule half an hour before going to bed

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  • Surkhana Syrup Sugar Free (Tonic for Anaemia & Weakness) – Kamal


    BLOOD TONIFIER (Tonic for Anaemia & General Weakness)

    Relieves following symptoms of Anaemia:
    Anaemia caused by iron deficiency, Fatigue due to over work, Abnormal sweating or easily fainting.
    Excessive menstruation and pale appearance, Breath shortness & generalized weakness,
    Sleeplessness due to behavioral issues.
    And help to normalize
    Low hemoglobin level, Energy level during pregnancy & lactation


    Ferr.mur 3x, Kali phos 6x, Nat.mur 6x, Crataegus Q, China 3x, Alfalfa Q, Avena sat. Q

    Dosage: One table spoon 3 times a day or as prescribed by physician

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  • Surkhana Syrup Tonic for Anaemia & General Weakness – Kamal

     230 330

    Tonic for Anemia and Weakness 


    Relieves following symptoms of Anaemia:
    Anaemia caused by iron deficiency.
    Fatigue due to over work.
    Abnormal sweating or easily fainting.
    Excessive menstruation and pale appearance.
    Breath shortness & generalized weakness.
    Sleeplessness due to behavioral issues
    And help to normalize
    Low hemoglobin level
    Energy level during pregnancy & lactation


    Ferr.mur 3x,Kali phos 6x, Nat.mur 6x, Crataegus Q, China 3x, Alfalfa Q, Avena sat. Q

    Dosage: One table spoon 3 times a day or as prescribed by physician

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  • Syzygium Schwabe Drops for Adult-onset Diabetes



    Traditionally Syzygium drops are used as the supportive treatment of adult-onset diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and related complaints, such as great thirst, weakness, and urinary frequency. It is the best Schwabe medicine for diabetes control.

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