Syzygium Schwabe Drops for Adult-onset Diabetes



Traditionally Syzygium drops are used as the supportive treatment of adult-onset diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and related complaints, such as great thirst, weakness, and urinary frequency. It is the best Schwabe medicine for diabetes control.



100 g Syzygium Schwabe drops contain Syzygium jambolanum 4X 100 g. Ethanol 52 % (V/V). Contains ethanol.


Dosage/ Uses

Unless otherwise prescribed, adults can take 10 drops of Syzgium by Schwabe Germany three to four times a day until improvement occurs.

Take the Syzygium Schwabe drops either half an hour before or after meals, and preferably keep them in the mouth for a while before swallowing. As soon as the improvement is felt, reduce the frequency of use.

Warning: This product contain 52% alcohol by volume. Intake of a relatively large amount of this medicine may cause acute ethanol intoxication, particularly in small children. Since this is a life-threatening condition, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for Order

20ml Drops