Ptk. 50 Tablets for Dermatitis / Eczema – Schwabe Germany



Graphites Pentarkan is traditionally used for the difficulty in breathing and for the treatment of eczema. Any type of inflammation of the skin and eczema as a variety of dermatitis characterized by itching lesions.

The combination with established efficacy in treating dry eczema & certain conditions of wet eczema

  • Covers dry, rough and scaly eruptions with itching, burning, and restlessness
  • Covers oedematous eruptions
  • Provides deep antipsoric action
  • Useful in dermatitis which becomes worse on itching or scratching
  • Also covers metabolic disorders ensuring total resolution.


Graphites Pentarkan is used as follows: In case of acute symptoms take 1 tablet per hour, at most 12 times daily until improvement is felt. For decaying complaints or in chronic cases use 1 tablet 1-3 times daily.

Note: This product contains lactose and wheat starch and may not be suitable for people with such intolerance.



1 Ptk 50 tablet contains: Graphites 3X 25 mg; Sulfur 4X 25 mg; Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 8X 25 mg; Causticum Hahnemanni 3X 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Additional information


20gm Tablets