Lycopus virg Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


Recommended use:

Lowers the blood pressure, reduces the rate of the heart and increases
the length of systole to a great degree. Passive haemorrhages (Adrenalin 6x).

A heart remedy, and of use in exophthalmic goitre and haemorrhoidal
bleeding. Indicated in diseases with tumultuous action of the heart and more
or less pain. Haemoptysis due to valvular heart disease. Beneficial in toxic
goitre used in the pre-operative stage. Dose, 5 drops of tincture (Beebe).

Homoeopathic Mother Tincture – Schwabe Germany 

Dosage: As Recommended by Homoeopathic Physician.

Additional information


20ml Drops