250 2,130

Pilocarpus is a powerful glandular stimulant and the most efficient diaphoretic. Its most important effects are diaphoresis, salivation and myosis. Hot flushes, nausea, salivation and profuse perspiration. The face, ears and neck become in a few minutes after a dose of Jaborandi deeply flushed, and drops of perspiration break out all over the body whilst at the same time the mouth waters and saliva pours out in an almost continuous stream. Other secretions, lachrymal, nasal bronchial and intestinal also but in less degree. The sweat and saliva produced by a single dose is often enormous in quantity, not infrequently half a pint.

Is homeopathic to abnormal sweats, and has achieved great success in night-sweats of consumptives. Acts upon the thyroid and its sudorific action may possibly be due to it. Exophthalmic goitre, with increased heart’s action and pulsation of arteries; tremors and nervousness; heat and sweating; bronchial irritation. A valuable remedy in limiting the duration of mumps.

Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician

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30ml, 120ml, 450ml