HR11 Drops for Normalizing the High Blood Pressure – Masood



The cause of hypertension including, salt-sensitive individuals, abnormality in arteries, stressful life, renal diseases, adrenal adenoma, hypokalemia, thyroid disorders, etc. Major signs and symptoms of hypertension are tinnitus, dizziness or vertigo, head heaviness, shortness of breath, irritable, face or eyes are burned, visual problems, trembling, disturb sleep, sore back or knees. Clinical trials show that Masood’s HR 11 controls the high blood pressure eliminating almost all the hypertension causes.

Dosage: 15-20 Drops every 2-3 hours with fresh water under acute conditions. Less frequently when improvement starts, i.e. 3 times a day.



Each 1ml contains:

  • Allium Sativa 1D 12% V/v
  • Calcium Iod 3D  3% V/V
  • Crataegus Oxy    1D 18% V/V
  • Glonoine 1D 1% V/V
  • Kalium Iod 3D 3% V/V
  • Rauwolfia Serp 1D 18% V/V
  • Olea Europaea 1D 6%V/V
  • Viscum Album 1D 12% V/V

With excipients q. s.

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops