HR 01 (DIABENOL) for Diabetes – Masood



HR 1 successfully alleviates the diabetic symptoms like Excessive thirst, increased hunger, weakness and fatigue, weight loss, dry itchy or scaly skin, tiredness, lack of interest and concentration, tingling sensation or numbness in the hand or feet, excessive urination, body aches, slow healing of wounds, pains and lethargy due to diabetes mellitus. Masood’s HR 1 is curative remedy in all types of Diabetes.

Dosage: 1 to 2 teaspoonful 3 to 4 times a day with fresh water, according to blood sugar levels.

Note: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication and monitor your blood sugar level during use.

Side effects: No side effects are known.

Contraindication: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor during pregnancy and lactation.

Interactions: No interaction with other products.



Each 1ml contains;

  • Amygdalus Persica Folium Q 90% v/v
  • Cephalandra Indica Q 10% v/v

Additional information


60ml Drops