Additional information
Packing | 30ml, 120ml, 450ml |
₨ 160 – ₨ 1,360
The different salts of Baryta are called for in organic lesions of the aged and dwarfish, both mentally and physically. Arterio-sclerosis and cerebral affections due to this condition. Headaches, but without acute crisis, occurring in old people; heaviness rather than pain. Vertigo, due to cerebral anćmia and noises in ears. Acts on lower alimentary canal, especially rectum; on muscles and joints, giving stiffness and weakness as from overwalking. The white blood corpuscles increased. Hypertension and vascular degeneration. Increased tension of pulse. Arterio-sclerosis (Aurum; Secale) where a high systolic pressure with a comparatively low diastolic tension is attended by cerebral and cardiac symptoms.
Most Recommended Use: 10 to 20 Drops or as Prescribed by Homoeopathic Physician