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    Lemna Minor Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany


    Botanical name: Lemna minor Linn.

    Family:  Lemnaceae  Synonyms: English: Common duckweed.

    Recommended Use: 

    A catarrhal remedy. Acts especially upon the nostrils. Nasal polypi; swollen turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis. Asthma from nasal obstruction, worse in wet weather.

    Dose: 10 to 20 drops or as advised by homoeopathic Physician.

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    Phytolacca decandra Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany



    Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration, are general symptoms guiding to Phytolacca. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues; fasciæ and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pains; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria. Tetanus and opisthotonos. Decrease of weight. Retarded dentition.

    Dose.–Tincture 10 to 20 drops. Externally used for mastitis.

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    Saccharum off Ø (Mother Tincture) Original Schwabe Germany



    According to the great Dr. Hering, a large proportion of chronic diseases of women and children are developed by using too much sugar. Sugar is an antiseptic. Combats infection and putrefaction; has a solvent action on fibrin and stimulates secretion by the intense osmotic changes induced, thus rinsing out the wound with serum from within outward, favoring healing. Leg ulcers.

    Sugar must be considered a sustainer and developer of the musculature of the heart and hence useful in failure of compensation and a variety of cardio-vascular troubles. Acts as a nutrient and tonic, in wasting disorders, anćmia, neurasthenia, etc, increasing weight and power.

    Opacity of cornea. Dim sight. Acidity and anal itching. Cold expectoration. Myocardial degeneration.

    Fat, bloated, large-limbed children, who are crosspeevish, whining; capricious; want dainty things, tidbits, and refuse substantial food. Śdema of feet. Headache every seven days

    Dosage: 10 to 20 drops or As Recommended by Homoeopathic Physician.

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