Belladonna: Convulsive cough attack, hollow and barking cough, dry mucus membranes.
Bryonia: Harsh and dry cough with pain in the chest.
Chamomilla: Convulsive cough,catarrh and hoarseness with accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat,dry cough,chiefly in the evening and at night.
Coccus cacti: Hypersensitivity of the mucosa of the pharynx. Spasmodic cough with viscous glairy expectorations.
Corallium rubrum: Violent attack of convulsic cough with choking fit.
Cuprum aceticum: Spasmodic cough, viscous mucus, dyspnea.
Drosera: Convulsive cough with cyanosis and suffocation, spasmodic asthma.
Ipecacuanha: Dry asphyxiant cough with glottis spasm, nausea and emesia.
Spongia: Hollow cough, cough at night.
Sticta pulm: Cold down from the nose to the pharynx and trachea, followed by bronchitis. Pressure on the root of the nose.
Thymus vulg: Expectorant.