Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Mycosis fungoides, Penicillinum: These ingredients provide antigenic or nodosal relief by stimulating the defense mechanism of the body.
In our research blood was taken from 10 healthy bodies and under the microscope the white blood cells were measured for speed of movement toward fungal cell, ease and time of phagocytosis. The nosode of these fungi were given to the participants, 30 minutes later blood was retaken and the white blood cells efficacy remeasured. In all cases the white blood cells were 25% to 30% faster and more efficacious in destruction of fungal cells.
Chlamydia trachomatis: For antigenic (nosodal) treatment of rickettsia and for homoeopathic blockage of the chlamydospore stage of candida growth.
Echinacea angustifolia: Lymph cleanser and immune fortifier.
Zincum metallicum: For relief of foggy headedness and inability to concentrate. Stimulant of nutritional absorption of Zinc.
Tecoma: Strongest anti-fungal herbal known.