Ptk. 2 for Common Cold and Fever – Schwabe Germany



Traditionally Aconitum Pentarkan tablets are used as supportive homeopathy medicine for cold and fever.

Headaches and flu related to seasonal changes and cough-cold like situations suitable for all age groups especially children.


Aconitum Pentarkan ptk 2 tablets benefits include improvement in common cold, sore throat, and fever-like conditions.

Unless otherwise prescribed, for effective results Aconitum tablets should be used as follows:

For acute complaints, 1-2 tablets should be taken at hourly intervals until improvement occurs. Once the conditions start to improve take 1 to 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Children with acute complaints should take 1 tablet every two hours. Once the situation is relieved, reduce the dosage to 1 tablet 2 times a day.



1 Aconitum Pentarkan tablet contains: Aconitum 3X 25 mg; Belladonna 3X 25 mg; Bryonia 3X 25 mg; Ferrum phosphoricum 2X 25 mg; Gelsemium 3X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Additional information


20gm Tablets