HR 60 Drops (STOMA) for treatment of Mouth Ulcers & Stomatitis – Masood


HR 60 Drops are  effective  for stomatitis.

  • Indicated in mouth ulcers due to gastric acidity.
  • Used for mouth and lips soreness.
  • Helpful in gums bleeding and bad breath.
  • Effective in a dark color tongue and sour taste.
  • It also reduces intestinal inflammation.

Dosage: mix two teaspoons of the medicine in half cup of water. Thoroughly rinse the mouth this solution and drink the rest of it. 3-4 times a day.


Each 1ml contains:

  • Arjuna 1D 10% v/v
  • Borax 1D 40% v/v
  • Echinacea Ang 1D 10% v/v
  • Hydrastis Can 1D 20% v/v
  • Glycyrrhiza Glab 1D 10% v/v
  • Zincum Sulph 2D 10% v/v

Additional information

First Select the Packing for order

20ml Drops