BIOGEN-21 (ORACURE) – Tablets for teething troubles – Masood


بچوں میں دانت نکالنے کے دوران تکالیف کے لئے موثر فارمولہ

Masood’s Biogen 21 (Oracure) is supportive Homeopathic treatment in teething troubles and other symptoms appearing during dentition in infants. Effective remedy for baby teething journey. Provides relief in teeth and gum pain during dentition. Bio 21’s dental formula fulfills nutritional deficiencies. Baby teething remedy also covers colic pain and flatulence. Improves digestion and increase appetite۔


  • Good for easy baby teething.
  • Effective for delay tooth development.
  • Calm the peevish child.
  • Make the gums soft for tooth eruption.
  • Also promotes the appetite.

As directed by a registered Homoeopathic doctor.

Infants up to 5 to 6 months: 1 Tablet after every 4 hours.

Infants above 6 months: 2 Tablets after every 4 hours.



Each tablet contains:

  • Calcium Phosphoricum 3x 50mg.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 50mg.
  • Excipients Q.S 105.

Additional information

First Click Packing for order

20gm Tablets