Surkhana Syrup Sugar Free (Tonic for Anaemia & Weakness) – Kamal


BLOOD TONIFIER (Tonic for Anaemia & General Weakness)

Relieves following symptoms of Anaemia:
Anaemia caused by iron deficiency, Fatigue due to over work, Abnormal sweating or easily fainting.
Excessive menstruation and pale appearance, Breath shortness & generalized weakness,
Sleeplessness due to behavioral issues.
And help to normalize
Low hemoglobin level, Energy level during pregnancy & lactation


Ferr.mur 3x, Kali phos 6x, Nat.mur 6x, Crataegus Q, China 3x, Alfalfa Q, Avena sat. Q

Dosage: One table spoon 3 times a day or as prescribed by physician

Additional information


120ml Sugar free Syrup