Ptk.13 for Arteriosclerosis (blocked arteries) – Schwabe Germany


Indications: بند شریانوں کے لئے۔ 

Traditionally Aurum jodatum Pentarkan tablets are used as the supportive homeopathic medicine for varicose veins, blocked arteries or arteriosclerosis conditions in arms and legs.

Ptk 13 is the most successful homeopathic remedy for relieving blockage in veins and arteries other common benefits include:

  • Effectively controls cramping in hips and legs muscles and associated symptoms.
  • Controls complaints of numbness/weakness in the lower half of the body.
  • Improve the healing of Sore toes and feet.
  • Effectively controls the shortness of breath situation.


Atherosclerosis is a condition in which there is a deposition of fat on the inner lining of arteries. Thus hardening of arteries due to cholesterol or Arteriosclerosis or diabetics. Traditionally Ptk. 13 is used for the treatment of complaints caused by such arteriosclerosis.

Unless otherwise prescribed, for effective results Aurum jodatum tablets should be used as follows:

For acute complaints, 1-2 tablets should be taken at hourly intervals until improvement occurs. Once the conditions start to improve take 1 to 2 tablets 3 times a day.




1 ptk 13 tablet contains: Aurum jodatum 3X 25 mg; Barium carbonicum 3X 25 mg; Calcium fluoratum 3X 25 mg; Arnica 2X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.

Additional information


20gm Tablets